A la carte experiences

A la carte experiences


Crafted to make you slow down, every detail of our dining experiences is carefully chosen to create a place where time is lost and breaking bread turns into building relationships.

Where the service makes you feel you belong, a symphony of courses takes you on an exciting adventure. By the time it ends, you feel completely relaxed and wake up the next morning to remember every bite.

Features and Pricing

  • Exclusive access to our 15+ high-quality local chefs with varying cuisines and styles of cooking for any occasion. 

  • Choose your favorite chef or different chef for each dining experience.

  • Multi-course menus are designed to your preferences and dietary needs every time.

  • First-class service throughout with pre-event planning and concierge. 

  • Pay a la carte prices, starting at $149 per guest with $1,499 minimum.

  • Enjoy private dining in your home for $199-1,499 depending on location plus $7/mi travel fee outside 20 mi radius.

  • With access to our safe and intimate private dining room. Where you are the only table, no waiting or interruptions for a $1,499 venue fee.

  • We love tailoring every detail to your theme or brand. Our expert experience designers curate immersive events beyond the table. Perfect for your business or personal events with specific themes. We understand the “why” of your event and curate the sound, art, beverages, and flow just for you. Truly one-of-a-kind experiences that build relationships and develop loyalty for $1,500 one-time fee per theme. Themes can be applied to a series of events and varying chefs, menus, and locations. 

  • Curated wine pairings and playlists for your desired ambiance upon request are included in the curation fee.


Contact us with any questions and we will get back to you shortly.

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